Saturday, February 18, 2012

Personalized Home

The welcome page of Funi Player is packed with personalized information.

Most of all, my favorite song, album, artist and genre is automatically analyzed and displayed in this Home tab.

From this personalized feature, you may feel this is the music player only for you.
No more the same music player for everyone!

Just under it, there is a menu, Recently Played Songs.
In iPod Player, you can see the full recently played items only after syncing with iTunes.
In Funi Player, however, you may see the recently played songs at any time when you need it.

Under Recently Played Songs, you will find My Library.
My Library is the dashboard showing total number of songs, albums, artists and genres in my music library.

Update button in the bottom of Home tab is normally not necessary.
Media library update will be done automatically.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Much more than just another music player, reviewed by Feedmyapp

Feedmyapp reviewed Funi Player!

"There are plenty of mucis player applications available but there aren't too many that do the things that Funiplayer does. ... "

You can check the review in the link below.

Much more than just another music player

Friday, February 10, 2012

Funi Player as a music player

Funi Player has many interesting effects, however the baseline of Funi Player is a music player. For the purpose of expansion from default iPod player, Funi Player is perfectly related to iPod. To add or remove songs, iTunes in PC or Mac will be used. If a user add music or playlist to iPod, Funi Player updates its library automatically, so there is no need to add songs again to Funi Player. While playing music in iPod, user can turn on Funi Player and control the music continuously.

Unlike default music player, songs in the cloud feature of Apple, iTunes Match will not be added to the library of Funi Player. However, songs downloaded from iTunes Match will be on the library and can be played. Normally, Funi Player updates its library automatically. To prepare for unexpected errors, manual update button is supported in the bottom of Home page.

As a music player, Funi Player supports following features: play and pause, play collections, play next, play previous, scrubbing, now playing button, searching, index, lyrics, repeat, shuffle, background play, interruption handling and remote control. All these features are compatible with the default iPod player.

There are several more powerful features in Funi Player. One of them is the search function of Funi Player. If users drag down the table in Playlist tab, a search box will appear. Let’s say we are in a situation. If there are many playlists, it is hard to remember what is the playlist my song is located. Funi Player supports an easy search option in the search box to find the playlist.

The next one is recently played list. In iPod player, users do not have any way to access recently played list until device is synced to iTunes in PC or Mac. However, Funi Player supports recently played list even without sync to iTunes. This is one of the powerful and useful functions of Funi Player.

I believe that users will find out more interesting features in Funi Player. I will not address them all for users’ delight to find them one by one.

Effects in Funi Player

Apple approved Funi Player, so now it is launched today.

In this post, I will introduce you the most exciting features of Funi Player. The uniqueness of Funi Player comes from these diverse Effects. Funi Player has one more deep hierarchy in each song level differently from other music players. When users touch a blue arrow in the right side of each song title, menu page for effects will be opened. In Songs tab, default behavior is going to this detail page. The first button is for Normal Play menu just like usual music players. The next section is for Special Effect to be described in this post.

There are four interesting effects in Funi Player. Especially, Acappella Effect is unique. As far as I know, Funi Player is the first App supporting Acappella Effect. In this effect, vocals will remain, however instrumental will go away. Moreover, this is a real time DSP effect, so there’s no need to wait for tedious converting time. Just touch the button and go on the fly!

   Acappella Effect
-       Based on songs in device, hear only vocals by removing instrumental sound.
-       Just as other vocal extraction technologies in PC and Mac world, Acappella Effect is not perfect, but enjoyable enough.
-       Turn on and off Acappella Effect in real time with an on/off button.
-       For stable performance, scrubbing is locked.
-       Supporting MP3, AAC and Apple Lossless format.

The next one is Vocal Removed Effect. This is exactly the adverse effect. Instrumentals will be heard, however vocals will be lost. This is not from a simple phase technique, so the sound is in stereo.

   Vocal Removed Effect
-       Adversely, hear only instrumentals by removing vocals in real time.
-       Also not perfect as paid instrumental files of music labels, however Vocal Removed Effect will provide fresh and enjoyable experience.
-       It is not from a simple left-minus-right control, so the sound is in stereo.
-       For stable performance, scrubbing is locked.
-       Supporting MP3, AAC and Apple Lossless format.

The next one is Reverse Play Effect. Different from other effects, reverse effect needs short preparation time. In iPhone 4S, it will take about 3 seconds, in iPhone 4, 5 seconds, and in iPhone 3GS, 10 seconds.

   Reverse Play Effect
-       With an on/off button, change the direction of playing forward and backward.
-       This feature is just for fun and better music experience.
-       Scrubbing supported.
-       Supporting all music file format in device.

The last one is Speed Control Play. After touching on the album artwork while playing, there will be four buttons under the scrub slider. Users can easily go to 1, 3, 5, and 10 seconds behind with these buttons.

  Speed Control Play
-       Change playing speed from 0.5 X to 2.0 X.
-       For Podcast, audio book and iTunesU, Speed Control Play is the only effect existing in details page.
-       Scrubbing supported.
-       Supporting all music file format in device.

In all these effects except Speed Control Play, recording will be supported. If a user touches the record button in the right side of play/pause button, there will be a message if you record or not. If touch yes, it will save the effected song while playing from the first to the end. The next step will be sending an email to transfer the effected sound to other devices. Due to the big file size of audio, it will take some time until receiving the email. In some emails of user settings, attachment file size is limited under 20 MB or under. For this case, there will be an option to compress the original WAV file to AAC file. File size of AAC converted file will be about 10% of original file.

   Recoding to send an email
-       Record to send an email is for transferring songs with Acappella Effect, Vocal Removed Effect and Reverse Play Effect to other devices just like PCs and Macs
-       After recording, WAV file is ready for sending an email.
-       Email of Funi Player is using the email set in your device, so please check the maximum attaching size of your email.
-       Funi Player also supports AAC compressing.
-       Recording songs over 10 minutes is not supported in Funi Player.